About Us

Our Mission

At Evolution Psychology Center, our Primary Mission is to support and guide you in your mental health journey. We will work together to improve your overall psychological well-being, quality of life, create positive changes, and heal emotionally.

By employing a collaborative, client-centered approach, we will help you effectively meet you mental and emotional health needs in a welcoming, safe, and confidential setting. Together we’ll help you resolve, heal, and transform. Evolution Psychology Center is a psychotherapy clinic for adolescents, adults, couples, and families. We recognize everyone’s unique strengths and experiences, which is why we create services specifically tailored to you, to promote your overall health and wellness in order to create positive changes in your life.

Who We Are

We are a team that is committed to self-reflection and awareness as a unique person, as well as in our practice. We continually strive to recognize how our own identity, life experiences, history, strengths, and biases impact our work in psychotherapy practice. We are open to discuss any impact our own experiences and identities may have during our work together.

We work from a non-pathologizing approach to health and wellness. Our focus in not on mental illness and disorder, but rather on the promotion of mental health, strengths, resiliency, preventative medicine mindset, and empowerment. We don’t see you as set of symptoms, we see you as a human being, a whole person within a life context.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are at the core of our mission.

Our commitment to you is to create a safe environment where you will feel comfortable being your authentic self. At Evolution Psychology Center we acknowledge that traditional psychotherapies and assessment tools were developed within a specific cultural context that has limitations and does not apply to everyone. We recognize the diverse and broad array of each of our lived experiences, and the complex nature our identities play in our lives. We make it a priority to maintain a self-reflective practice as therapists and to work from a wider lens of intersectionality, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

What is Intersectionality?

Intersectionality describes the concept wherein each aspect of our identity plays a role in our experiences with discrimination. The Oxford Dictionary defines intersectionality as “the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage”.

At Evolution Psychology Center, we acknowledge that everyone has their own unique experiences of discrimination and oppression. As such, we are committed to give equal importance to all parts of your identity, to consider everything and anything that can marginalize people – gender, race, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation, ability, divergence etc. – and consider how they interact with one another.

What is Inequality?

Inequalities exist in our society. They are prejudices, assumptions, and biases based on identity, appearance, gender, race, religion, weight, age, sexuality, ability, neurodivergence, power differences, privilege, and mental health stigma.

Our commitment to you:

What makes EPC different from other centers?

At Evolution Psychology Center we believe in a ‘whole person’ approach. We don’t simply look at symptoms or focus on one aspect of any given problem. Instead, we see you as a complete person and employ an intersectional approach to assess every facet of your identity, creating lasting positive change. We work synchronously with your body and mind, while considering external factors that might contribute to your overall health and well-being.

We also believe in working collaboratively with other professionals on our team as well as in the community. With your consent, we can talk to your doctor or other healthcare professionals to ensure we’re all working together to provide you with the best care possible.

Our Team

Dalida Wilson

Candidate OPQ Permit

Dina Kibaris

Assistant Director and Administration

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Ginette Labarre, M.A.

Support Therapist

Jessica Phillips, M.A

Qualifying Psychotherapist & Certified Life and Health Coach (CFF)

Leandra Hallis D. Psy


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Melanie Lemay, M.A.

Art Therapist

Paula Lorimer, M.A.

Psychologist, Director

Sylvie Martin, M.A.


Warren Copeland, M.A.



Sarah Otero Ms.


Leila (4)

Leila Cheraghmollaei, PhD

Psychology Intern

Land Acknowledgement

Evolution Psychology Center is situated on the traditional land and unceded territory of the Kanien’kehà:ka, Tiohti:áke (Montreal) and Turtle Island (North America). The Kanien’kehà:ka are the custodians of the lands and waters, a place which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst many First Nations.

We recognize and respect the Kanien’kehà:ka as the traditional custodians of the lands and waters on which we will be meeting. EPC is committed to supporting the Kanien’kehà:ka and Haudenosaunee Peoples, among other Indigenous and First Nations Peoples. We aim to maintain and foster new partnerships with Indigenous communities, to provide care that reflect their values and needs.

The purpose of this land acknowledgement is to express deep respect, to advocate for changes to existing systemic racism, and to recognize the traumatic history of colonization and genocide of Indigenous peoples.

This is not enough, however, and there is more work to do.

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Our commitment to you:

Dalida Wilson

Candidate OPQ Permit

Dalida Wilson is a candidate for the psychotherapy permit with the l’Ordre des Psychologues du Quebec. She is completing a psychotherapy internship, where she will expand and practice her knowledge of mental health and psychotherapy. She uses an effective, non-judgmental approach to help individuals build and develop their own abilities to manage and improve their overall sense of self. Her methods involve empowering each client by enhancing their motivation to change.

She works primarily with adults and adolescents and offers a humanistic approach to psychotherapy, meaning your thoughts, feelings and personal goals are the most important factors in the therapeutic process. She also strongly believes in the association between the state of mind and physical health and can provide support for the psychological challenges brought on by health issues.

Dalida’s specialties include

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; primarily using motivational interviewing
  • Psychosocial Crises Interventions

Her approach is about partnership, meaning working together to help you achieve your full potential through mutually established therapeutic goals.


Trainings/ Continued Education:

Dina Kibaris

Assistant Director and Administration

Our Assistant Director Dina is the first contact you’ll have at Evolution Psychology Center. Whether your first encounter with Dina is in person or via email or telephone, we assure you, you will be in good hands.

Educational background and work experience

Dina’s educational background and work experience are in healthcare, a milieu she enjoys working in. She studied Health Sciences at Dawson College and has a Bachelor of Science from Concordia University. She has worked in medical centers and orthopedic clinics in Montreal and is a valuable asset to our team.

Ginette Labarre, M.A.

Thérapeute en counseling
Ginette Labarre est une professionnelle de la santé mentale spécialisée dans les relations humaines et la communication. Fascinée par l’être humain, elle se passionne pour toutes les questions touchant à la relation à soi et aux autres. Sensible aux souffrances émotionnelles et relationnelles vécues tout au long de la vie, Mme Labarre s’intéresse également à l’impact de la communication sur la qualité des relations entre les individus. Son intérêt pour les relations humaines et la santé mentale l’a amenée à chercher des réponses par la relation d’aide, la recherche anthropologique, l’intervention communautaire au Québec et à l’étranger, l’adaptation scolaire et sociale et, beaucoup plus tard, par la communication stratégique. Depuis 30 ans, elle accompagne des adolescents, des adultes, des couples et des familles, les aidant à comprendre et à gérer les crises existentielles personnelles et professionnelles.

Formée à l’approche centrée sur la personne, humaniste et systémique, elle s’intéresse également à la thérapie d’impact et à l’entretien motivationnel, dont elle tire des outils pour ses interventions. Sa curiosité pour les différentes approches est guidée par son souci de permettre à ses clients de comprendre et de réduire leurs souffrances, d’améliorer leur situation et de retrouver un sentiment de bien-être. Elle est diplômée en sexologie, en écoute active, en anthropologie et en enseignement secondaire. Elle est membre en règle du RITMA (Regroupement des intervenants et thérapeutes en médecine alternative et complémentaire), de l’Association et de l’Ordre professionnel des sexologues du Québec.

Avec respect, compassion et humilité, j’aide mes clients à comprendre et à faire face à leurs souffrances émotionnelles et relationnelles en puisant dans leurs ressources personnelles par le biais du coaching, du soutien, de l’intervention conjugale et familiale et de l’éducation psychologique. En utilisant une variété d’outils et d’approches, j’aide mes clients à développer leurs compétences individuelles, de couple, parentales, familiales et relationnelles. Par l’affirmation de soi, le respect de soi et le respect des autres, j’aide également mes clients à communiquer de manière plus positive et plus efficace, sans avoir recours à la violence verbale. Développer le discernement et la conscience de soi, résoudre les sentiments qui sont à l’origine de conflits intérieurs et améliorer les relations avec les autres sont également au cœur de l’aide que j’offre à mes clients.

Questions traitées

  • Situations de vie difficiles
  • Décisions importantes ou difficiles
  • Gestion du stress
  • Anxiété
  • Crises de panique
  • Gestion des émotions
  • Estime de soi et confiance en soi
  • Affirmation de soi et communication
  • Difficultés d’adaptation personnelle et professionnelle
  • Valeurs culturelles conflictuelles
  • Conflits intergénérationnels
  • L’épuisement professionnel et la dépression.
  • Difficultés relationnelles
  • Conflits amoureux ou difficultés à maintenir une relation amoureuse
  • Séparation/divorce
  • Lutte identitaire et orientation sexuelle
  • La santé mentale des entrepreneurs
  • L’éducation des enfants
  • Gestion de la douleur et de la fatigue chroniques
  • TDA, TDAH, neurodiversité, personnalité borderline, dysthymie
  • Haut potentiel (douance)

Jessica Phillips, M.A

Qualifying Psychotherapist & Certified Life and Health Coach (CFF)

Jessica holds a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology and has been guiding individuals from a life free of addictions (relationships, alcohol, food & spending), codependency, and binge eating for over 13 years. Jessica began her career as an addictions counsellor and through her experience became passionate about not only working on the mind, but the body as well. Jessica is on a mission to help people transform themselves from the inside out. Jessica coaches from a holistic model that focuses on meeting clients where they are currently at in their lives and helping them set and achieve their goals with support, encouragement, and helpful strategies along the way.

Jessica’s specialties include

  • Codependency & love/relationship addiction
  • People-pleasing & narcissistic abuse recovery
  • Binge Eating
  • Alcohol and substance abuse
  • Process addictions (food, spending, relationships)
  • Low self-esteem & self-worth
  • Health & Life Coaching (Nutrition & Fitness Goal Setting)

Professional Membership

  • Canadian Counselling & Psychotherapy Association (CCPA)

  • Certified Coaches Federation (CFF)


  • Master’s in Counselling Psychology (MA)
  • Bachelor of Arts- Applied Human Sciences (BA)

Trainings/ Continued Education:

  • Motivational Interviewing (MI) Training
  • Certified Coaches Federation (CCF)
  • Holistic Nutrition Training
  • Personal Training Certification (CanFit Pro)

Leandra Hallis

M.A., D. Psy., Psychologist

I am a clinical psychologist committed to providing neurodiversity affirming mental health care. In recent years there has been a movement involving neurodivergent communities (Autistic, ADHDers, etc.) and allied health practitioners focused on valuing neurodiverse traits and behaviors as integral parts of one’s identity and lived experience. I support this model. At the same time I recognize that neurodivergent people and their families face daily challenges navigating a dominant neurotypical society.

As a white, cis gendered, non-disabled therapist I am aware that my own social positionality does not give me full insight into others lived experiences and daily struggles that may be linked to systemic racism, ableism, transphobia and other forms of oppression.

I have been a member of the Ordre des Psychologues du Québec (OPQ) for over 10 years. I also have extensive experience working in psychology, family medicine and psychiatric clinics, including the Douglas Mental Health University Institute’s Mood, Anxiety and Impulsivity Disorders program. I have worked as a research coordinator at the Addictions Unit of the Montreal General Hospital and have experience designing and leading group therapies for depression, addictions and personality disorders.

Leandra’s specialties include

  • Depression and other mood disorders
  • Anxiety (OCD, GAD, Panic, PTSD, etc.)
  • Trauma and difficulties with emotional regulation
  • Anger management
  • Chronic Pain
  • Self-Esteem

Professional Membership

  • Member of the Ordre des Psychologues du Québec since 2006 (#10752-06)


  • Depression and other mood disorders
  • Anxiety (OCD, GAD, Panic, PTSD, etc.)
  • Trauma and difficulties with emotional regulation
  • Anger management
  • Chronic Pain
  • Self-Esteem


Melanie Lemay, M.A.


Melanie Lemay est titulaire d’une maitrise en art-thérapie de l’Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, où ses recherches ont porté sur l’intersection entre les traumatismes, la résilience et pouvoir de transformation par l’expression artistique. Elle est art-thérapeute certifiée par l’Association des art-thérapeutes du Québec (AATQ) et elle participe activement à l’avancement de la profession en s’impliquant au sein du conseil d’administration.

Son expertise englobe un large éventail de modalités thérapeutiques, y compris l’art-thérapie basée sur la pleine conscience, les pratiques tenant compte des traumatismes et les interventions guidées par les arts expressifs. Elle a facilité des parcours transformateurs pour des clients confrontés à des traumatismes, à l’anxiété, à la dépression, au deuil et à toute une série de défis émotionnels. Elle envisage un monde où l’expression artistique devient un vecteur universel de compréhension, de guérison et de découverte de soi. C’est d’ailleurs pour cela qu’elle complète actuellement un doctorat en sociologie et qu’elle s’intéresse, dans le cadre de ses travaux, à intégrer cette approche dans différents programmes d’intervention.

Problématiques traitées

  • Anxiété et dépression : L’expression créative permet aux individus d’extérioriser leurs sentiments et d’atténuer les symptômes de l’anxiété et de la dépression en leur offrant un moyen de se libérer de leurs pensées intrusives.
  • Problèmes d’estime de soi et d’image corporelle : L’art-thérapie peut favoriser l’acceptation et la perception positive de soi, ce qui est particulièrement bénéfique pour les personnes ayant des problèmes d’image corporelle ou une faible estime de soi.
  • Deuil et perte : le processus créatif aide les individus à gérer les émotions complexes associées à la perte, en leur offrant un moyen d’honorer les souvenirs et de trouver du réconfort.
  • Stress et adaptation : La création artistique favorise la relaxation, la réduction du stress et l’amélioration des capacités d’adaptation grâce à l’immersion créative.
  • Traumatisme et état de stress post-traumatique : L’art-thérapie offre un espace sûr pour traiter et exprimer les souvenirs traumatiques, aidant ainsi les individus à gérer leurs émotions et à réduire les symptômes du syndrome de stress post-traumatique.
  • Difficultés à s’exprimer : Pour les personnes qui ont du mal à communiquer verbalement, l’art-thérapie offre un moyen alternatif et non-verbal d’exprimer ses pensées, ses sentiments ainsi que ses expériences.

Paula Lorimer

M.A., Psychologist, Director

I (she/her/elle) am a licensed Psychologist and Certified Sensorimotor Psychotherapist, and clinical director of Evolution Psychology Center in Montreal. I have been working for almost 20 years helping people who are struggling and suffering. My goal is to help you heal, grow, and improve your well-being.

I identify a cis-gendered, heterosexual, white and able-bodied woman. I acknowledge my colonial ancestry, my position of privilege, internalized ableism and racism and am currently a work in progress to best understand how these systems have interacted with my life and practice and how to live a more anti-racist and inclusive worldview and life.

I work with adults and adolescents. I see people as human beings, not as symptoms or disorders. I can offer you a ‘whole person approach’, meaning your thoughts, emotions, environment, identity, and cultural context will be part of our work together. I use a somatic, interpersonal, and non-pathologizing approach. Whether you are experiencing repeated negative patterns, unresolved wounds, are suffering and struggling, or are simply ready for a change, I can help.

Paula’s specialties include

  • Developmental Trauma (childhood wounds)
  • Complex Trauma
  • Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
  • Workaholism
  • Stress
  • Drug and Alcohol Severity Assessments (ASI/IGT)

I also help with anxiety, depression, addictions, burnout, grief, life dissatisfaction, self-care, your wellness, and more. My approach is collaborative and consenting as I believe in working together to resolve your difficulties. I provide effective treatment for cognitive (thinking), emotional, behavioural, and somatic (body) difficulties.

Service Provider for

Professional Membership


Sylvie Martin

M.A., Psychologist

Sylvie Martin is a psychologist and has been a member of the Ordre des Psychologues du Québec for 25 years. Her expertise includes mood disorders and anxious disorders, burn-out, life transitions (grief, separation and divorce), stress management, relationship problems and low self-esteem. With empathy and offering a non judgmental environment, Sylvie can help you to define and reach your goals and your full potential.

Professional Membership

Member of the Quebec order of Psychologists since August 1995


Trainings/ Continued Education:

Warren Copeland

M.A., Psychologist

“The greatest gift a parent has to give a child—and a lover has to give a lover—is emotionally attuned attention and timely responsiveness.” – Dr. Sue Johnson

Warren Copeland is a psychologist who has been in private practice for over 20 years. He has worked in a variety of settings such as hospitals, schools, and community organizations. His purpose of providing therapy is to help individuals, couples, and families, find new and helpful ways of making sense of their world.

Warren works with a variety of clientele, including adults, couples, and families. His approach to therapy typically employs a number of humanistic, cognitive behavioural, psychodynamic, and emotionally focused therapeutic interventions to help you better understand yourself and your difficulties. Working collaboratively, Warren helps will help you find effective ways to overcome your challenges.

Warren’s specialties include

  • Couple and family therapy
  • Mood and anxiety
  • Grief and loss
  • Shame
  • Workplace conflict
  • Anger and stress management
  • Self-esteem

Professional Memberships


Training/ Continued Education

Sarah Otero Mme.


Avec une solide base clinique en Floride, Sarah a plus de 10 ans d’expérience de travail avec des individus, des familles et des groupes dans divers contextes, y compris des cliniques, des organisations communautaires et des écoles. Son expertise englobe l’intervention en cas de crise, les maladies mentales aiguës et la neurodiversité au sein de diverses populations.

Sarah a de l’expérience dans le conseil aux enfants et aux jeunes adultes handicapés confrontés à des défis émotionnels, sociaux et académiques, en utilisant à la fois la thérapie individuelle et la thérapie de groupe. Reconnue pour sa compassion et sa communication efficace avec les jeunes, elle leur apporte un soutien à la réadaptation par le biais d’une aide individuelle qui leur permet de s’épanouir au sein de la communauté.

Dédiée à la réussite de ses clients, Sarah a recours à des programmes communautaires complets, à la gestion des médicaments et à des conseils continus. Elle collabore étroitement avec les clients et leurs familles pour fixer des objectifs et élaborer des stratégies visant à résoudre les problèmes émotionnels, à améliorer les capacités d’adaptation et de communication, à renforcer l’estime de soi et à favoriser des changements de comportement positifs.

Sarah croit en une approche holistique, prenant en compte le bien-être physique, psychologique, social et spirituel de chaque individu. Son objectif est de promouvoir une réussite optimale dans tous les aspects de la vie de ses clients. Elle reçoit ses clients en anglais, en français et en espagnol.


Les spécialités de Sarah sont les suivantes

  • Développement de l’enfant
  • Trouble du déficit de l’attention/hyperactivité (TDAH)
  • Troubles du spectre autistique (TSA)
  • Troubles émotionnels et comportementaux (anxiété, dépression, troubles de l’opposition et de la conduite, difficultés d’adaptation)
  • Difficultés d’apprentissage chez les enfants et les adolescents
  • Thérapie cognitivo-comportementale (TCC)
  • Thérapie comportementale appliquée (ABA)
  • Thérapie familiale
  • Coaching/conseil parental
  • Acceptation et compréhension du diagnostic
  • Orientation professionnelle

Adhésion professionnelle :

  • Membre de l’Ordre Conseillers et conseillères d’orientation (OCCOQ) depuis 2020

Education :

  • 2 ans de psyD, programme de psychologie clinique ; accent sur les enfants et la famille – Université internationale Alliant (décembre 2016)
  • Maîtrise de sciences en conseil mental – Nova Southeastern University (décembre 2013)
  • Baccalauréat en psychologie et mineure en éducation – Florida International University (décembre 2010)

Formation et éducation continuée :

  • Guide d’évaluation des personnes à risque suicidaire (GERIS)
  • Intervention non violente en cas de crise, formation CPI
  • La loi Baker : Une mise à jour pour les professionnels de la santé mentale
  • Comportement sexuel inapproprié vs. approprié chez l’enfant
  • Soins de santé comportementaux intégrés : Quoi, pourquoi et comment
  • Programme de traitement et de recherche sur les troubles de l’alimentation de l’UCSD
  • Les mères qui travaillent et leurs enfants : Perspective psychanalytique
  • Thérapie de couple : Un modèle de système psychanalytique
  • Cannabis et Santé des Jeunes Qu’en Dit La Science ?

Leila Cheraghmollaei, PhD

Stagiaire en psychologie

Leila Cheraghmollaei est titulaire d’un doctorat en psychopédagogie, d’une maîtrise en psychologie et un baccalauréat en psychologie clinique. Elle est actuellement sous la supervision de Paula Lorimer, directrice clinique du Centre de psychologie de Évolution, et travaille à l’obtention de sa licence professionnelle de l’Ordre des psychologues du Québec (OPQ).

Leila est profondément passionnée par l’accompagnement des adolescents, des jeunes adultes et des parents à travers les différents défis de la vie, y compris la régulation émotionnelle, le stress et la dynamique familiale.

Domaines de spécialisation :

  • Régulation émotionnelle et comportementale : Aider les adolescents et les jeunes adultes à gérer leurs émotions telles que l’anxiété, la colère et la tristesse, tout en aidant les parents à résoudre les problèmes de comportement de leurs enfants.
  • Soutien parental et dynamique familiale : Aider les parents à développer des stratégies efficaces pour élever les enfants et les adolescents, tout en favorisant une communication familiale plus saine.
  • Conseil académique : Aider les clients à gérer les pressions académiques et à améliorer la motivation et la gestion du temps.
  • Développement de l’identité et estime de soi : Guider les jeunes adultes et les adolescents dans l’exploration de leur identité, le développement de leur estime de soi et l’amélioration de leur confiance en soi.
  • Gestion du stress, de l’anxiété et de la dépression : Proposer des thérapies fondées sur des données probantes, telles que la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale (TCC) et les techniques de pleine conscience, pour aider les clients à faire face au stress, à l’anxiété et à la dépression.
  • Compétences sociales et relations avec les pairs : Aider les clients à gérer leurs amitiés, leurs relations amoureuses et les pressions sociales, y compris la résolution des conflits et la dynamique des pairs.
  • Traumatisme et perte : fournir des soins tenant compte des traumatismes aux jeunes adultes et aux adolescents confrontés à des crises personnelles, à des problèmes familiaux ou à des pertes importantes.
  • Transitions de vie et adaptation : Aider les clients à s’adapter aux grandes transitions de la vie, comme l’entrée au cégep ou à l’université, le début d’une nouvelle carrière ou l’adaptation aux changements de la structure familiale. Leila travaille également avec les nouveaux immigrants, les aidant à surmonter les difficultés psychologiques et culturelles liées à l’installation dans un nouveau pays.
  • Impact de la technologie et des médias sociaux : Explorer les effets de la vie numérique et des médias sociaux sur la santé mentale, aider les clients à gérer les défis en ligne.
  • Pleine conscience et bien-être émotionnel : Utilisation d’approches basées sur la pleine conscience pour promouvoir la conscience émotionnelle et le bien-être général.

Leila travaille avec des personnes d’origines diverses et parle le farsi et l’anglais. Elle se consacre à la création d’un environnement de soutien, sans jugement, où les clients se sentent capables de surmonter leurs difficultés et de s’épanouir sur le plan personnel.

Membres professionnels / organisations :

  • En train de compléter le programme de formation complémentaire exigé par l’Ordre des psychologues du Québec (OPQ)
  • En train de compléter le programme de formation supplémentaire exigé par l’Ordre des psychoéducateurs du Québec (OPPQ)
  • Licencié par l’Organisation de psychologie et de conseil de l’Iran (depuis 2016)
  • Membre de l’Association iranienne de psychologie (depuis 2012)

Formation :

  • Doctorat en psychologie de l’éducation, Université Kharazmi (2009 – 2014)
  • Maîtrise en science, psychologie, université d’Alzahra (2006-2008)
  • Baccalauréat en sciences, psychologie clinique, Université des sciences et de la culture (2001-2005)

Ginette Labarre, M.A.

Support Therapist (she/her)

With respect, compassion and humility, she helps her clients understand and cope with their emotional and relational suffering by drawing on their personal resources through coaching, supportive, marital and family intervention and psychological education. Using a variety of tools and approaches, she supports her clients in developing their individual, couple, parenting, family and relationship skills. Through assertiveness, self-respect and respect for others, she also helps her clients to communicate more positively and effectively, without resorting to verbal violence. Developing discernment and self-awareness, resolving feelings that are causing inner conflict and improving relationships with others are also at the heart of the help she offers her clients.

Issues treated

  • Difficult life situations
  • Important or difficult decisions
  • Stress management
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Managing emotions
  • Self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Assertiveness and communication
  • Personal and professional adjustment difficulties
  • Conflicting cultural values
  • Intergenerational conflicts
  • Burnout and depression
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Conflicts of love or difficulties in maintaining a loving relationship
  • Separation/divorce
  • Identity struggles and sexual orientation
  • Mental health for entrepreneurs
  • Parenting
  • Managing chronic pain and fatigue
  • ADHD, neurodiversity, borderline personality, dysthymia
  • High potential (giftedness)

Melanie Lemay, M.A.

Art Therapist

Melanie Lemay holds a master’s degree in art therapy from the Université du Québec en Abitibi Témiscamingue, where her research focused on the intersection between trauma, resilience and the power of transformation through artistic expression. She is a certified art therapist with the Association des art-thérapeutes du Québec (AATQ), and actively participates in the advancement of the profession through her involvement on the Board of Directors.

Her expertise encompasses a wide range of therapeutic modalities, including mindfulness-based art therapy, trauma-informed practices and expressive arts-guided interventions. She has facilitated transformative journeys for clients facing trauma, anxiety, depression, grief and a range of emotional challenges. She envisions a world where artistic expression becomes a universal vehicle for understanding, healing and self-discovery. That’s why she’s currently completing a doctorate in sociology, and why she’s interested in integrating this approach into various intervention programs.

Issues Treated

  • Anxiety and depression: Creative expression enables individuals to externalize their feelings and alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression by offering them a way of freeing themselves from intrusive thoughts.
  • Self-esteem and body image issues: art therapy can promote positive self-acceptance and self-perception, which is particularly beneficial for people with body image problems or low self-esteem.
  • Grief and loss: the creative process helps individuals deal with the complex emotions associated with loss, offering them a way to honor memories and find comfort.
  • Stress and coping: Artistic creation promotes relaxation, stress reduction and improved coping skills through creative immersion.
  • Trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder: Art therapy offers a safe space to process and express traumatic memories, helping individuals to manage their emotions and reduce the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Sarah Otero Ms.


With a solid clinical foundation from Florida, Sarah has over 10 years of experience working with individuals, families, and groups across various settings, including clinics, community organizations, and schools. Her expertise encompasses crisis intervention, acute mental illness, and neurodiversity throughout diverse populations.
Sarah has experience counseling children and young adults with disabilities facing emotional, social, and academic challenges, utilizing both individual and group therapy. Known for her compassion and effective communication with youth, she provides rehabilitative support through one-on-one assistance to empower them to thrive within the community.
Dedicated to client success, Sarah employs comprehensive community programs, medication management, and ongoing counseling. She collaborates closely with clients and their families to establish goals and develop strategies addressing emotional issues, enhancing coping and communication skills, improving self-esteem, and fostering positive behavioral changes.
Sarah believes in a holistic approach, considering the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual well-being of each individual. Her goal is to promote optimal success in all aspects of her clients’ lives. She sees clients in English, French and Spanish.

Sarah’s specialties include:

  • Child Development
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Emotional & Behavioral (anxiety, depression, oppositional & conduct disorders, adjustment difficulties)
  • Learning challenges in children and teens
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Applied Behavior Therapy (ABA)
  • Family Therapy
  • Parenting skills/coaching
  • Acceptance and understanding of diagnosis
  • Vocational/Career Counselling

Professional Membership:

  • Member of the Ordre Conseillers et conseillères d’orientation (OCCOQ) since 2020

Education :

  • 2 years of psyD, clinical psychology program; emphasis on children and family – Alliant International University (December 2016)
  • Master of Science in Mental Counseling – Nova Southeastern University (December 2013)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and minor in Education – Florida International University (December 2010)

Training and continued education:

  • Guide to assessing people at risk of suicide (GERIS)
  • Nonviolent Crisis Intervention, CPI Training
  • The Baker Act: An Update for Mental Health Professionals
  • Inappropriate vs. Appropriate Child Sexual Behavior
  • Integrated Behavioral Healthcare: What, Why and how
  • UCSD Eating Disorders Treatment and Research Program
  • Working Moms and Their Children: Psychoanalytic Perspective
  • Couple Therapy: A psychoanalytic System Model
  • Cannabis et Santé des Jeunes Qu’en Dit La Science?

Leila Cheraghmollaei, PhD

Psychology Intern

Leila Cheraghmollaei holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, a Master’s in Psychology, and a Bachelor’s in Clinical Psychology. She is currently under the supervision of Paula Lorimer, Clinical Director at Evolution Psychology Center, as she works toward her professional license from the Ordre des Psychologues du Québec (OPQ).

Leila is deeply passionate about supporting adolescents, young adults, and parents through various life challenges, including emotional regulation, stress, and family dynamics.

Areas of Specialization:

  • Emotional and Behavioral Regulation: Helping adolescents and young adults manage emotions such as anxiety, anger, and sadness, while supporting parents in addressing behavioral challenges in children.
  • Parenting Support & Family Dynamics: Assisting parents in developing effective strategies for raising children and adolescents, while fostering healthier family communication.
  • Academic Counseling: Supporting clients in managing academic pressures and enhancing motivation and time management.
  • Identity Development and Self-Esteem: Guiding young adults and adolescents through identity exploration, building self-worth, and improving confidence.
  • Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Management: Offering evidence-based therapies like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and mindfulness techniques to help clients cope with stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Social Skills and Peer Relationships: Helping clients navigate friendships, romantic relationships, and social pressures, including conflict resolution and peer dynamics.
  • Trauma and Loss: Providing trauma-informed care to young adults and adolescents dealing with personal crises, family issues, or significant losses.
  • Life Transitions and Adjustment: Assisting clients in adjusting to major life transitions, such as starting Cegep or University, embarking on a new career, or adapting to family structure changes. Leila also works with new immigrants, helping them navigate the psychological and cultural challenges of settling into a new country.
  • Technology and Social Media Impact: Exploring the effects of digital life and social media on mental health, helping clients manage online challenges.
  • Mindfulness and Emotional Well-being: Utilizing mindfulness-based approaches to promote emotional awareness and overall well-being.

Leila works with individuals from diverse backgrounds and speaks both Farsi and English. She is dedicated to creating a supportive, non-judgmental environment where clients feel empowered to overcome their challenges and achieve personal growth.

Professional Membership:

  • Currently completing the supplementary training program required by the Order of Psychology of Québec (OPQ)
  • Currently completing the supplementary training program required by the Order of Psychoeducation of Quebec (OPPQ)
  • Licensed by the Psychology and Counseling Organization of Iran (since 2016)
  • Member of the Iranian Association of Psychology (since 2012)

Education :

  • Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, Kharazmi University (2009 – 2014)
  • Master of Science, Psychology, Alzahra University (2006-2008)
  • Bachelor of Science, Clinical Psychology, University of Science and Culture (2001-2005)