Binge Eating Support Group

Binge Eating Support Group


12-Week Group Coaching Experience Led by

Health Coach Jess Phillips (CCF), Masters in Counselling Psychology Candidate




Are you tired of using food to help cope with your emotions?

Do you find yourself unable to stop eating processed sugar and carbohydrates?

Are you stuck in an endless cycle of yo-yo dieting?

Tired of feeling stuck in a body you don’t recognize?

It’s time to put an end to binge eating for good!


This group will help you put an end to:

  • Shameful feelings about your eating habits
  • Feeling confused about what and how to eat to nourish your body
  • Feeling alone in your struggle with your body image
  • Weight gain and feelings of low self-esteem

By signing up, you will receive:

  • 12-weeks of coaching by a certified health coach
  • Weekly worksheets and accountability tools
  • Peer and community support
  • A clear understanding of how food affects us physically, mentally, and emotionally
  • Tools to prevent future binges and sustainable behaviour change


It’s time to put an end to binge eating for good


Program itinerary:

Week 1: What is binge eating?

Week 2: Root causes & why we binge

Week 3: What processed sugar & flour do to our brain

Week 4: How to manage impulsive thoughts & behaviours around food

Week 5: How to cope with life in healthy ways

Week 6: Developing skills to deal with intense emotions, feelings, and challenges

Week 7: Gaining more purpose in life

Week 8: What and how to eat to feel satiated and satisfied

Week 9: How NOT to diet

Week 10: How to handle binge relapses

Week 11: Sustainable recovery

Week 12: Additional community and online resources for recovery


COST: 90 minutes a week for 12 weeks: 948$ per person (79$ per week, must be paid upfront) 

Cancellation fee: Lost session, no make-up sessions available

For more information please call us at (514) 758-7792 or email